Raul H. Castro papers

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Raul H. Castro papers

Collection Items

Governor Castro's Temporary CB Radio Permit
Governor Castro's Temporary CB Radio Permit for a class D citizens radio station.

Diplomatic Calling Cards
Diplomatic Calling Cards with the names of the guests for the dinner repections.

Ambassador Castro with Bodyguards in front of Ambassador's Residence; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ambassador Castro with Bodyguards in front of Ambassador's Residence; Buenos Aires, Argentina. All are standing outside with Castro of the Ambassador's building.

Ambassador Castro Reviewing Argentine Troops
Ambassador Castro walking passed Argentine troops with escorts.

Ambassador Castro Visiting Tierra Del Fuego
Ambassador Castro Visiting Tierra Del Fuego standing outside looking at bulding signs.

Ambassador Castro Receiving Honorary Degree from John F. Kennedy University; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ambassador Castro Receiving Honorary Degree from John F. Kennedy University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Castro is seen on stage receiving the degree shacking hands.

Ambassador Castro with Ginger Rogers
Ambassador Castro with Ginger Rogers standing side by side at the U.S. Embassay.

Swearing in ceremony installing Raul Castro as U.S. Ambassador to Argentina
Governor Castro on stage during his swearing in ceremony installing Raul Castro as U.S. Ambassador to Argentina.

Exterior Entrance of U.S. Embassy Building; Buenos Aires, Argentina
A black and white photograph of the exterior view of the entrance of U.S. Embassy Building in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Ambassador Castro at Press Conference; La Paz, Bolivia
Ambassador Castro at Press Conference with people around him asking questions in La Paz, Bolivia.

Swearing in ceremony installing Raul Castro as U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia; Secretary of State Dean Rusk Observes
A black and white photograph capturing the swearing in ceremony of Raul Castro as U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia. Secretary of State Dean Rusk observes in the background.

Ambassador Castro Confers with Secretary of State Dean Rusk
Ambassador Castro standing in doors with Secretary of State Dean Rusk.

Ambassador Castro Addressing a Gathering of People in El Salvador
A black and white photograph taken of Ambassador Castro addressing a gathering for the people in El Salvador.

Swearing in ceremony installing Raul Castro as U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador
Governor Castro's swearing in ceremony to be the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador.

Ambassador Castro Arriving in El Salvador
Ambassador Castro getting off an airplane arriving in El Salvador, with him is a bodyguard.

Ambassador Castro and Salvadoran President Julio Rivera at Ribbon-cutting Ceremony
A black and white photograph taken of Ambassador Castro and Salvadoran President Julio Rivera at Ribbon-cutting Ceremony event.

Patricia Castro Hosting Cocktail Reception at U.S. Embassy; San Salvador, El Salvador
Patricia Castro standing with three women talking while hosting a cocktail reception at U.S. Embassy in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Ambassador Castro with President Lyndon B. Johnson
Ambassador Castro with President Lyndon B. Johnson inside an office.

Patricia Castro Hosting a Tea Party at U.S. Embassy in El Salvador
Patricia Castro standing with four women hosting a Tea Party at U.S. Embassy in El Salvador.

Ambassador Castro Presenting His Credentials to Salvadoran President Julio Rivera
Ambassador Castro showing his credential douments to Salvadoran President Julio Rivera.
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