Ken Wolfgang

Dublin Core


Ken Wolfgang

Collection Items

Still Hand Camera with Stand and Flash Light Permit
A permit granted on December 16, 1974 to Ken Wolfgang by the India Government which permitted the use of a hand held camera equipped with a stand and flash light with the purpose of filming ancient monuments within the country.

Sunday, December 15, 1974 Correspondence, Page 1
Page 1 of a letter sent from Ken Wolfgang to Sharon Wolfgang and Glenn Wolfgang from the Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi, India, dated December 15, 1974

Sunday, December 15, 1974 Correspondence, Page 2
Page 2 of a letter sent from Ken Wolfgang to Sharon Wolfgang and Glenn Wolfgang from the Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi, India, dated December 15, 1974.

Sunday, December 15, 1974 Correspondence, Page 3
Page 3 of a letter sent from Ken Wolfgang to Sharon Wolfgang and Glenn Wolfgang from the Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi, India, dated December 15, 1974.

Sunday, December 15, 1974 Correspondence, Page 4
Page 4 of a letter sent from Ken Wolfgang to Sharon Wolfgang and Glenn Wolfgang from the Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi, India, dated December 15, 1974.

License for Filming Operation at Protected Monuments
A filming license granted by the Indian government on April 16, 1975 to Ken Wolfgang which permitted him to film at protected monuments within the country.
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