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Butterfly silhouette against sienna background
Reclaiming the Border Narrative
A Digital Archive



NI EN MORE is a social innovation project and non-profit merging political activism, fashion, and art. In the past few years, we have worked alongside underprivileged women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, with a comprehensive set of programming that includes educational activities, business mentorship, workshops, and more. Our goal is creating job opportunities that not only provide dignity, sustainable and fair income to our team but also help them build confidence and skills that contribute to long term financial independence.

We believe in the transformative impact of economically empowered women. We also make beautiful, one-of-a-kind garments with extraordinary prints. Why? Women are the backbones of a community, an economy, a country. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, has been known for the systematic murders of women. Although the victims come from all levels of society, the majority are women who live in contexts of vulnerability due to their socio-economic condition, race, and origin.

Our purpose is to change the circumstances for a group of women in Ciudad Juarez that were once amongst the most vulnerable, through creating jobs with dignity, income that is sustainable and fair, and skills that can contribute to long term financial independence. Long term, we want to create opportunities for the daughters of these women, because, as research has shown, if you educate a girl then you educate a whole nation. And we want to make beautiful garments that make people feel genuinely happy, knowing that their purchases contribute to change.


Don Rayo Hills photo shoot

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Don Rayo Hills photo shoot

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Don Rayo Hills photo shoot

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Don Rayo Hill photo shoot

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Don Rayo Hills photo shoot

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Scenic Drive Sunset photo shoot

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Scenic Drive Sunset photo shoot

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Scenic Drive Sunset photo shoot

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Scenic Drive Sunset photo shoot

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Scenic Drive Sunset photo shoot

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