Browse Items (144 total)

Sunken view of the USS Arizona

Photograph of Marlow, crew member of the USS Arizona, who was killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

View of a plane aboard the USS Arizona

Photograph looking head on at a plane aboard the USS Arizona and a catapult.

Crew members of the USS Arizona sweeping the deck

Sailors of the USS Arizona stop off at the Coconut Grove in Panama.

Sailor Posing with Anti-Aircraft Gun on the USS Arizona

Crew of the USS Arizona spend some time looking at the landscape of Oahu Valley in Pali, Oahu, Hawaii.

USS Arizona full color smoker's program

USS Arizona Band and Bug Le Corps pose for a group photo

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Pen and pencil set issued by US Navy in black pebble-finished leather pocket case. Pens are topped with USN crest and case is decorated with USN crest in gold.

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Fragment from a Japanese torpedo bomber (Nakajima B5N2 Kate) shot down over Pearl Harbor by USS Curtis.

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A number of objects retrieved from the wreck of the Arizona. They are: halyard snaps (left and bottom) used to attach flags to a halyard line. second from left is an spent shell casing of a .50 caliber antiaircraft bullet; second from right is a .50…

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Two pieces of metal from Japanese airplanes shot down during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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A piece of shrapnel from bed of Ford Island, removed 12/7/41.

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Piece of shrapnel, American

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Piece of armor piercing projectile, tungsten, nickel and steel, probably Japanese.

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Time fuse from a 5" antiaircraft projectile retrieved from Pearl Harbor.

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Closeups of pieces of shrapnel pulled out of the harbor, these are kept in a case in the Student Memorial exhibit.

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Steel ring wheel of Japanese plane shot down by USS Honolulu, 12/7/41.
This is a pulley wheel of the type used to adjust control surfaces (elevators, ailerons, rudder, flaps) via cables running from the cockpit.
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