Browse Items (46 total)

Portrait of Susan C. Karant-Nunn and Ute Lotz-Heumann holding early protestant works held by University of Arizona Libraries Special Collections.

Contains 65 titles, 1506-1786, from the Heiko A. Oberman Library, and 30 titles added to Special Collections to augment the Medieval and Reformation history holdings.

City View of Wittenberg, Germany
Facsimile of city view created between 1572-1618.

Detail of City View of Worms, Germany
Facsimile of city view of Worms, Germany from 1572-1618

Detail of History of the reformation of the Church of England
Original title: Historie van de reformatie der kerke van Engeland / in het Engelsch beschreven door Mr. Burnet, en nu uit den zelven vertaalt.

Detail of Papal Bull, June 16, 1521, Magnvm bvllarivm Romanvm
In this document Martin Luther is officially excommunicated as a heretic from the Catholic Church.

Detail Papal Bull, May 19, 1520, Magnvm bvllarivm Romanvm
This documents serves as an official condemnation or warning to Martin Luther of the errors of his actions by the Catholic Church.

Pope Adrian VI, 1522-1523
Roman Catholic Popes during Martin Luther's lifetime.

Detail of De natura deorum
Title in English; The nature of the gods.

Full title: Schriftelicke conferentie gehovden in s'Gravenhaghe inden iare 1611 tusschen sommighe kercken-dienaren : aengaende de Godlicke praedestinatie metten aencleven van dien : ter ordonnantie vande Ed. Mag. Heeren Staten van Hollant ende…

Detail of Germany Switzerland and The Netherlands During the Reformation and the Thirty Years' War
Political map of Northern Europe.

Portrait of Martin Luther, 1520
Portrait with caption in Latin: Aetherna ipse suae mentis simulachra lutherus exprimit at uultus cera lucae occiduos. MDXX.

Portrait of Martin Luther, 1521
Portrait with caption in Latin: Lucae opus effigies haes est moritura lutheri aethernam mentis exprimit ipse suae.

Portrait of Martin Luther, 1522
Portrait with caption in Latin: Imago Martini Lutheri eo habitu ex pressa quo reversus est ex pathmo uuitte.

From the collection of Veste Coburg (Coburg Fortress, on e of Germany's largest castles). Artist's insignia left edge: winged serpent with elevated wings and dated '1528'; in yellow paint.

Detail of Witt against Wisdom. Or, A panegyrick upon Folly : Penn'd in Latin by Desiderius Erasmus, render'd into English...

Detail of Colloquia
From the Heiko A. Oberman Library

Detail of Map of Saxony
Map of Saxony (Germany) around the time of the Protestant Reformation, original from 1595.

Batch 1_0001.jpg
Original title: Assertio Septem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum

Z 126 Z7 F9613 2005 p. 61.jpg
Illustrated broadsheet with poem, 1524. From the collection of the German National Museum, Nuremberg.
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