Browse Items (46 total)

Original title: An die Radherrn aller stedte deutsches lands: das sie Christliche schulen auffrichten vnd hallten sollen. For an in depth discussion of this work please listen to a recorded lecture by Susan Karant-Nunn titled Pamphlets and…

Original title: Antwort de[m] Murnar vff seine frag / Ob der künig vo[n] Engellant ein lügner sey, oder der götlich doctor Martinus Luter. For an in depth discussion of this work please listen to a recorded lecture by Ute Lotz-Heumann titled…

Contains fifty portraits followed by a life of the subject and list of his books. Original title: Af-beeldingen van sommighe in Godts-Woort ervarene Mannen, die bestreden hebben den Roomschen Antichrist : waer by ghevoecht zijn de lof-spreucken ende…

Batch 1_0001.jpg
Original title: Assertio Septem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum

Detail of Map of Saxony
Map of Saxony (Germany) around the time of the Protestant Reformation, original from 1595.

Cover, German copy of the New Testament translated by Martin Luther
Biblia, Das ist/ Die gantze Heilige Schrifft/ Alten und Neuen Testaments/ Deutsch/ D. Mart. Luth. : Sampt D. Hutteri Summarien/ der Biblischen Bücher und Capitel richtiger Eintheilung/ verbesserten Registern und Concordantzen/ nützlich…

City View of Wittenberg, Germany
Facsimile of city view created between 1572-1618.

Detail of City View of Worms, Germany
Facsimile of city view of Worms, Germany from 1572-1618

Portrait of Martin Luther, 1520
Portrait with caption in Latin: Aetherna ipse suae mentis simulachra lutherus exprimit at uultus cera lucae occiduos. MDXX.

Portrait of Martin Luther, 1521
Portrait with caption in Latin: Lucae opus effigies haes est moritura lutheri aethernam mentis exprimit ipse suae.

Portrait of Martin Luther, 1522
Portrait with caption in Latin: Imago Martini Lutheri eo habitu ex pressa quo reversus est ex pathmo uuitte.

Map of the Holy Roman Empire
Full title: S. Imperium Romano-Germanicum oder Teutschland mit seinen Angräntzenden Königreichen und Provincien, neulich entworffen und theils gezeichnet durch Iulium Reichelt Chur Pfaltz: Rath und Mathes: Professor P. zu Strasburg aber…

Luther Rose or Luther Seal
Seal received from Frederick the Wise and used by Martin Luther in his publications. The graphic is used today by the Lutheran faith.

Detail of Martin Luther and the German Bible
Original title in German: Martin Luther und die deutsche Bibel

Detail of Germany Switzerland and The Netherlands During the Reformation and the Thirty Years' War
Political map of Northern Europe.

Detail of Papal Bull, June 16, 1521, Magnvm bvllarivm Romanvm
In this document Martin Luther is officially excommunicated as a heretic from the Catholic Church.

Detail Papal Bull, May 19, 1520, Magnvm bvllarivm Romanvm
This documents serves as an official condemnation or warning to Martin Luther of the errors of his actions by the Catholic Church.

Pope Adrian VI, 1522-1523
Roman Catholic Popes during Martin Luther's lifetime.

The School: Schoolboys and the schoolmaster with John Luther carrying his son Martin alongside Margaret Luther, 1488-1497.
Quotidian and historically significant scenes from Martin Luther's life.

Title page of Luther's "Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation", 1520
Title page facsimiles related to Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms.
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