Browse Items (46 total)

Full title: Schriftelicke conferentie gehovden in s'Gravenhaghe inden iare 1611 tusschen sommighe kercken-dienaren : aengaende de Godlicke praedestinatie metten aencleven van dien : ter ordonnantie vande Ed. Mag. Heeren Staten van Hollant ende…

Contains 65 titles, 1506-1786, from the Heiko A. Oberman Library, and 30 titles added to Special Collections to augment the Medieval and Reformation history holdings.

Biblia, Das ist/ Die gantze Heilige Schrifft/ Alten und Neuen Testaments/ Deutsch/ D. Mart. Luth. : Sampt D. Hutteri Summarien/ der Biblischen Bücher und Capitel richtiger Eintheilung/ verbesserten Registern und Concordantzen/ nützlich…

Portrait of Susan C. Karant-Nunn and Ute Lotz-Heumann holding early protestant works held by University of Arizona Libraries Special Collections.

Portrait of Martin Luther with city view in background.

From the collection of Veste Coburg (Coburg Fortress, on e of Germany's largest castles). Artist's insignia left edge: winged serpent with elevated wings and dated '1528'; in yellow paint.

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Timeline of events in Martin Luther's life, from birth to death.

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Timeline with a small selection of the titles Martin Luther published during his lifetime.

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Illustrated broadsheet with poem, 1524. From the collection of the German National Museum, Nuremberg.

Illustrated title page from Martin Luther's German bible printed in Wittenberg.

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Important milestones during and part of the Protestant Reformation.

English translation of the 95 Theses Against Indulgences written by Martin Luther and originally published in Latin.

Early printing of Martin Luther's 95 Theses against Indulgences

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Illustration of proceedings of the The Augsburg Confession held June 25th, 1530. From a German copy of the New Testament translated by Martin Luther.

Heinrich Bullinger, 1504-1575
Selected portraits from Dutch book titled: Some Outstanding Theologians with added text (name and dates).

Acta Synodi nationalis--Detail
Full title: Acta Synodi nationalis, in nomine Domini Nostri Iesv Christi, autoritate praepotentvm dd. Ordinvm generalivm Foederati Belgii provinciarvm, Dordrechti habitae anno cio io cxviii et cio io cxix. Accedunt plenissima, de Quinque…

Detail of History of the reformation of the Church of England
Original title: Historie van de reformatie der kerke van Engeland / in het Engelsch beschreven door Mr. Burnet, en nu uit den zelven vertaalt.

Detail of Singularia Lutheri
From the Heiko A. Oberman Library.

Full title: Singularia Lutheri, das ist, Alle geistreiche, heroische, und nachdenckliche Reden und Worte, welche in allen teutschen Schrifften des hocherleuchteten Mannes und treuen Werckzeuges Gottes, des Herrn…

Detail of Elegantiae linguae latinae
Full title: Hoc in volumine hec cõtinentur : Laurentii Vallensis Elegantiæ de lingua latina : Laurentii Vallensis de pronomine sui ad Ioannem Tortelium : Laurentii Vallensis lima qu︠ae︡dam per Antonium Mancinellum.
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