Browse Items (218 total)

An image of ten dolls sitting on the ground in a basket.

The Frame.jpg
This video was made in collaboration with dancers, choreographers, musicians, and visual artists that reside in the US/Mexico border and whose work in this project was inspired by their own experience as border artists.

A collection of poems that delved into traumatic memories and move toward medicinal healing stories.

This work consists of five poems and five photographs that accompanies the written texts. Each poem is derived from the photograph.

An image of three dolls on tree branches.

An image of three dolls on the tree branches.

2021-06-30 05.44.48.jpg
An image of the top portion of the mural.

An image of a man sitting on the ground with two backpacks and a water bottle.

Trabajos en la pandemia.mp3
A conversation about jobs in the pandemic.

pandemidiarios tres poemas.jpg
A document with three poems, "El Paso a Tucson: A Greyhound Story", "Lines and Crosses", and Una Ciudad que Nace de la Fisura en una Pared".

pandemidiarios video.jpg
A video form of three poems, "El Paso a Tucson: A Greyhound Story", "Lines and Crosses", and Una Ciudad que Nace de la Fisura en una Pared".

A close-up image of two dolls on tree branches.

An image of two dolls on tree branches.

This project contains poems and watercolors made from the start of national orders to shelter in place in March 2020 to March 2021, one year later. It chronicles life events in memory and in time during days and months of COVID-19 in southern…

An image of a man sitting on the railroad track with a monitor.

Vivir en la linea (hombre 40 años).mp3
The testimony of a 40 year old man.

We are survivors.jpg
For this project, HONOR Collective members will document and celebrate their efforts by creating a short film that highlights their Indigenous methods of caretaking and ceremony for resilience.

Macias_Where It Takes Root.jpg
A portrait called "Where It Takes Root".
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2