Browse Items (77 total)

Document is handwritten in unknown language, some Spanish words. Nahuatl? Possibly evangelical in nature.

Broadside issued three months after the government of Miguel Miramón occupied Mexico City, and shortly before Benito Juarez, from his government base in Veracruz, issued a degree confiscating church property. McLane was U.S. ambassador to Mexico.…



Census tables of the number of victims and various expenses resulting from the smallpox epidemic of 1797 in Mexico City. First leaf includes two notes about total statistics for victims of the recent epidemic, and comparison with statistics from the…

Incomplete record of what appear to be some of Laws of the Spanish Inquisition. Written ca. 1785, this document contains no signature or specific date. The fifth page of this incomplete record mentions the natural children, indicating perhaps a…



Petition by 78 year old man for reinstatement of employment. With legal citations. ... é imprime en muy corto número de ejemplares para sus amigos; sin otro fin que el de integrar los hechos ó acontecimientos, y vindicar su honor.


Three-page printed circular, dated marzo 29 de 1879, soliciting financial support for an asylum for the poor, including families and youth. Credited at end to Francisco Diaz de León, Calle de Lerdo número 3. (despacho.)Description on label of…

Broadside discussing the significance of the upcoming parish elections for the future of the country and the happiness of its citizens, with prosperity or ruin in the hands of the voters. Describes four desirable qualities for candidates: moral…

Broadside-dated 1781 under the Royal Spanish seal. This broadside communicates the orders of the Provisional Viceroy D. Martin de Mayorga, a knight of the Order of Alcantara who became Viceroy upon the death of the previous Viceroy of New Spain,…

Comunicado imprimido, de dos páginas, en defensa de Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna. Titulado, Plan Regenerador Del Supremo Gobierno. Circular del Ministerio de Relaciones. El documento concluye con estos sentimientos anónimos: Dios y libertad!…

Chart includes breakdown of 1807 population of Spain by professional, institutional and academic affiliation, occupation and marital status. Segun el Estado del año 1787 la poblacion de España era de 10.258 150 individuos; el presente manifesta…


Printed broadside related to the second French intervention in Mexico; titled, Very Important News about the Campaign: Exchanged Communications between the Chief Generals of the Mexican and French Armies. These communications detail what this report…

Overview of the meat industry in Mexico City. Includes statistics on number of meat inspectors, slaughterhouses, meat vendors; number and types of animals slaughtered; and their individual and total market value. Printed on both sides of onion-skin…

Broadside by Ignacio Comonfort publishing letter dated April 16 1863 by General Jesús González Ortega. Gonzales Ortega's letter reports on the situation in Puebla fighting the French Army, and gives details on losses, battlements and maneuvers.…

Signed Los amantes de equidad. Ornate print in title lettering. 1851 broadside reflecting political infighting and attacks.
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