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Foreign correspondent for the Dallas Morning News, Alfredo Corchado discusses his experiences as a journalist in Mexico. Corchado also talks about the challenges of journalism in Mexico, the problems of censorship and freedom of speech. Corchado…

Lawyer, Carlos Spector discusses his work representing families in Mexico who are seeking political asylum. Spector addresses the violence in Juarez and the type of threats used by the cartels. Spector also discusses how more journalists are seeking…

Gustavo Reveles Acosta, discusses in detail his efforts to protect journalists in Juarez after two journalists, one of them a colleague he knew well, were murdered. Acosta, a member of the El Paso Press Club, argues that despite having the border…

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Reporter Monica Ortiz Uribe describes the violence in Juarez and how it has affected everyday life. Ortiz also discusses the fear of many who lived in Juarez and El Paso and how it has affected her work in trying to report the violence in the area.…

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Ricardo Chavez Aldaza converses about his experiences as a radio host seeking political asylum in the United States. A staunch critic of the Mexican government and crime organizations, Chavez highlights the ways in which freedom of speech is under…
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