Browse Items (31 total)

A video presenting an example of a circular economy that is regenerative and adaptive to today’s needs.

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Mask made of prickly pear fibers and embroidery floss.

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Mask made of desert items found on walks.

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Mask made of gems bought from S.A.S Fabrics sewed on an onion sack.

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Mask made of woven plastic bags.

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Mask made of fruit on colander mesh.

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Mask made of party favors found in a cabinet.

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Mask made of sanitary napkins, tampons, and glitter.

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Mask made of barrel cactus fruit, assorted flowers.

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Mask made of soda can pop tops from Popcycle shop.

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Mask made of condom wrappers.

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Mask made of Enriched Macaroni Product with spray paint.

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Mask made of Eegee’s cups, spoons, and straws.

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Mask made as an ode to Rebecca, a Taurus.

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Mask made of desert flowers.

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Mask made of aluminum foil and duct tape.

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Mask made of bailing wire and saguaro areoles.

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Mask made of june bugs and gum wrappers.

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Mask made of prickly pear pads and buds.

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Mask made of cassette tapes.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2