Browse Items (8 total)

Foreign correspondent for the Dallas Morning News, Alfredo Corchado discusses his experiences as a journalist in Mexico. Corchado also talks about the challenges of journalism in Mexico, the problems of censorship and freedom of speech. Corchado…

Armando Durazo, senior editor for El Paso Times and University of Arizona (UA) graduate, talks about his journalistic education in Tucson, both at the UA and Pima Community College (PCC), and how that compares to other journalism programs today.…

Hector Hugo Jimenez, general editor in chief for Verbo Libre, along with its free morning paper, Media Hora, talks in detail about his work as part of Heriberto Deandar Robinson's editorial team, noting that their reporters enjoy some of the highest…

Manuel de la Rosa, reporter for the High School Sports Magazine, talks about his career along the border and how the situation has changed over the years. Describing the kind of crimes taking place in the area and how it is hard to trust their…

Ninfa Deandar Martinez, Director General of El Mañana newspaper in Nuevo Laredo, talks about her father, founder over 90 years ago of El Mañana, and about her upbringing and that of her children. Touching on the murder of her editor, Roberto Mora…

Timothy S. Gutierrez, main anchor and managing editor of KGNS-TV (NBC/Telemundo/CW affiliate), talks about the challenges of reporting about the border, the quality of journalism as result, and about threats received over the years. He also mentions…

Victor Hugo Castillo, freelance journalist, talks about the advantages that local journalist have when it comes to covering news stories, including knowledge of the language and local culture. Castillo warns against those who refuse to give the names…

Victor Ruiz Arrazola, journalist and attorney with Casa de los Derechos de Periodistas, talks about the legacy of censorship over the years and throughout the country, the role that sources of funding and the generalized violence play in the way the…
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