Rituals for Climate Change: A Crip Struggle for Ecojustice


Dublin Core


Rituals for Climate Change: A Crip Struggle for Ecojustice


Mexican American Border Region
Disability studies
Disabled people
Climate change
Community terms: Disability; Climate-grief; Borderlands; Disability Justice; Interdependence; Latinx studies; Chicano studies; Indigenous studies; Environment; Environmental Studies; Grief; Environmental Destruction; Environmental Crisis; Disability Wisdom; Conservation; Witness; Wilderness; Rituals; Feminism; Feminist Environmental Studies; Queer Studies


A poetry/essay book with images.

Disability justice and ecojustice rarely are spoken in the same mouthful but are in constant conversation in our world. This mixed genre manuscript of poetry and lyrical essay, doesn’t contain just one point of view but encompasses dialectical perspectives which often exist in contradiction to each other. A disabled person is in need of plastic cups and concerned about the overwhelming plastic in our ecosystems. Rituals for Climate Change: A Crip Struggle for Ecojustice expands on and complicates who is seen as an environmentalist and what being in relationship with the land can look like.

This book is an offering to explore the spiritual question of how to witness. It serves as a companion to those also grappling with the difficult questions posed by climate change in the borderlands. By exploring the ways body, mind, and cultures both clash with and long for ecojustice, Rituals for Climate Change offers an often-overlooked perspective on climate-grief, interdependence, and resilience. Disabled people know how to adapt to a world that is ever changing without considering us.
Un libro de poesía/ensayo con imágenes.

La justicia para las personas con discapacidad y la eco-justicia rara vez se expresan en el mismo bocado, pero están en constante conversación en nuestro mundo. Este manuscrito de género mixto de poesía y ensayo lírico no contiene un solo punto de vista, sino que abarca perspectivas dialécticas que a menudo existen en contradicción entre sí. Una persona discapacitada necesita vasos de plástico y está preocupada por el abrumador plástico en nuestros ecosistemas. Rituals for Climate Change: A Crip Struggle for Ecojustice amplía y complica quién es visto como ambientalista y cómo se percibe el tener una relación con la tierra.

Este libro es una ofrenda para explorar la cuestión espiritual de cómo ser testigo. Sirve como acompañamiento para aquellos que también tienen dificultades para responder las difíciles preguntas planteadas por el cambio climático en las zonas fronterizas. Al explorar las formas en que el cuerpo, la mente y las culturas chocan y anhelan la eco-justicia, Rituals for Climate Change ofrece una perspectiva que a menudo se pasa por alto sobre el duelo climático, la interdependencia y la resiliencia. Las personas con discapacidad sabemos cómo adaptarnos a un mundo que está en constante cambio sin tenernos en cuenta.


Ortiz, Naomi


Reclaiming the Border Narrative collection (MS 789)


University of Arizona Libraries




In Copyright. Published with permission of rights holder. https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/?language=en
This work carries a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.
It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Arizona Board of Regents for the University of Arizona, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.








Rituals for Climate Change_Naomi_Ortiz [punctum _books].pdf


Arizona--Quitobaquito Springs
Sonoran Desert