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Human Rights Activists

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Laura Borbolla Moreno describes her job as the new special prosecutor on crimes against journalists and freedom of expression with La Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos cometidos en contra de la Libertad de Expresión (FEADLE). Borbolla argues for the need to protect journalists who are constantly threatened while urging for patience as well since her office is brand new and needs time to develop. Even though there is mistrust between the government and journalists, leading many not to contact her office,  Borbolla asserts that journalists need to report threats and violence against them so that they can be addressed and tracked by her office.


Roberto Delgado Escalante, president of the Association of Journalists of the City of Juárez (APCJ), talks about his organization. He outlines APCJ's mission to defend the rights of journalists, his efforts to organize community projects and professional development workshops, the quality of college journalism programs, his experiences with local police, and how the APCJ differs from other journalist organizations. Delgado Escalante talks about his ties with the government (which cosigns life insurance policies for APCJ), and with international organizations (NGOs)

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Journalist and professor Pablo Hernandez Batista explains how the violence in Juarez has escalated in the past five years. Hernandez describes the violence towards journalists and the news industry, the current market for journalists in Mexico, and the potential of employment for his students. Hernandez also discusses how he educates and trains his students on covering stories without exposing themselves to much risk.


Samuel Kenny discusses his work as director of the Mexican Commission of Human Rights. Kenny describes how defending human rights in certain areas of Mexico has become difficult. The issue of freedom of expression and whether it is a human right is discussed in detail. Kenny also deliberates that there are  many organizations that defend freedom of expression while the Commission is more focused on the human right to justice.

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Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression and current member of the Association of Guatemalan Journalists, discusses his professional background, appointment to his current assignment with the UN, as well as what the job of a Special Rapporteur entails. Listing impunity and use of defamation lawsuits as form of censorship for journalists around the world, La Rue describes his work in respects to the situation in Mexico and Juarez in particular, including his meetings with high officials and journalists alike, and recommendations made to both the Mexican government and the UN General Assembly.


Carlos Lauria is a journalist and the Senior Americas Program Coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Within the interview he describes his and CPJ’s efforts in Mexico by protecting journalists who are being threatened and silenced.

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In the interview he discusses his foundation, Manuel Buendía, and discusses the risks and struggles that journalists in Mexico go through as well as what certain organizations need to improve on in order to help journalists and freedom of expression.

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A representative for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Antonio Mazzitelli, explains how the UNODC has been observing and analyzing the violence and organized crime in México,  acknowledging that its is unprecedented how organized crime groups broadcast their violent acts as a way of sending a message.  Mazzitelli also comments on the relationship between journalists, federal and local police, government and organized crime.  He suggests that one of main obstacles that journalists and the authorities have is a structural issuedue to lack of professionalization. 

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Jose Omar Rabago, executive director of Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS), discusses his organization's mission to defend freedom of expression in Mexico. Rabago also discusses the progress and challenges facing new laws, talks about the new special prosecutor established to defend freedom of expression, and discusses the differences in operations with other organizations in Mexico such as Center to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters without Borders. He suggests that a major problem between these organizations include fighting for resources and in their self interest.


Victor Ruiz Arrazola, journalist and attorney with Casa de los Derechos de Periodistas, talks about the legacy of censorship over the years and throughout the country, the role that sources of funding and the generalized violence play in the way the news is reported. Ruiz Arrazola describes the services provided by his organization and how it collaborates with other groups interested in protecting the rights of journalists; and discusses the work done by the Attorney General of Mexico.


Lawyer, Carlos Spector discusses his work representing families in Mexico who are seeking political asylum. Spector  addresses the violence in Juarez and the type of threats used by the cartels. Spector also discusses how more journalists are seeking political asylum.

Please note that some audiovisual content within our digital collections and exhibits will be temporarily unavailable as we prepare to migrate it to a new platform.