Browse Items (77 total)

1858 broadside written by Manuel Chico y Alegre announcing his installation as governor of Guanajuato and guaranteeing citizens' rights to freedom of political party affiliation.

Commentary and statistics on conscripts and finances in war with the U.S, 1847. Top part of print in title missing.


Original document containing eleven pages detailing the instructions and rules which must be observed in the government and administration, as well as the management of the Hacienda San Francisco Cuerámaro (Cuerámaro is one of the municipalities of…

Broadside printed as an editorial in the 9th issue of the Republicano Correspondiente the 27th of September 1855. Titled, The National Danger, this broadside informs the citizenry of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo between the United States and…

Juan Othon's 1858 public statement explaining his resignation from the governorship of San Luis Potosí.

Broadside memorializing the anniversary of the assassination of Governor Julián de los Reyes. With engraving of mourners at tomb.

With engraving of mourners at tomb. Description on label of collection folder: Manifiesto en contra de los asesinos del Gobernador de San Luis Potosí. Ocurrida el 8 de enero de 1861 i.e., 1853. Broadside memorializing the anniversary of the…

Handwritten document created ca. 1800 and signed by Don Agustín Bechí y Montes on behalf of Don Miguel Moreno who seeks a competent legal authority to adjudicate the matter of the Hacienda Jaralillo, located in the jurisdiction of the state of…

Letter signed by Melchor de Peramás, a civil officer, and directed to the Reverend Father General of the Order of Saint Hippolytus. The writer requests that the members of that same order not attend the proffered surgical classes and not trouble…

The first page of this document is a from the General Commissary in Mexico certifying that Maria del Pilar Zapata is entitled to the pension consisting of fifteen Pesos, four Reales, and five Granos, that she is due as the daughter of Captain D.…


Handwritten booklet that includes a hand-drawn map delineating the assessment of geological features, ownership, socio-political conditions and size of each of the sections delineated on this map. The description of the land seems to have been…

Printed broadside titled, Manifesto from the Most Excellent Interim President, To the Nation. Written by Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna, sometimes political figure who greatly influenced the history of Mexico. In this Manifesto, Santa-Anna details his…

Printed broadside by President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna regarding the battle of Padierna where, due to his order to General Valencia's men to move out of their held positions to flank the Americans, Major General Winfield Scott, was able to take…

Map depicting the battle on the hill of Barrabás, near Zirándaro, now in the state of Guerrero. The map shows where Don Vicente Guerrero, Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary troops of the South set up his fortifications from which his troops…

Handwritten volume of poetry, philosophy and devotional essays. Original artwork includes title vignette, ornate lettering, headpiece and tailpieces.

Signed Los amantes de equidad. Ornate print in title lettering. 1851 broadside reflecting political infighting and attacks.

Broadside by Ignacio Comonfort publishing letter dated April 16 1863 by General Jesús González Ortega. Gonzales Ortega's letter reports on the situation in Puebla fighting the French Army, and gives details on losses, battlements and maneuvers.…

Overview of the meat industry in Mexico City. Includes statistics on number of meat inspectors, slaughterhouses, meat vendors; number and types of animals slaughtered; and their individual and total market value. Printed on both sides of onion-skin…
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