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An interview with Toreenee Wolf.

Letter from the National League to Defend Religious Liberty’s regional delegate to José Valenzuela addressing his disagreements with the local clergy, the organization’s status, and his pending resignation

Report about the National League to Defend Religious Liberty´s activities in Sonora one year after being appointed regional delegate. The report presents the lack of coordination between the insurgent groups that took up arms against the government…

Fourth Anniversary Ball, USS Arizona, at the Hotel Astor in New York. Ball took place in November, 1920.

Armando Durazo, senior editor for El Paso Times and University of Arizona (UA) graduate, talks about his journalistic education in Tucson, both at the UA and Pima Community College (PCC), and how that compares to other journalism programs today.…

Account of an American hunting group’s unexpected events in Sonora due to a misunderstanding with Gen. Luis Ibarra’s forces published in Outdoor Life magazine

The Lost Journals of Sacajewea began during the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition in the Spring of 2005. The Missoula Museum of Art had two exhibitions running simultaneously that were critical responses to the celebratory afflatus that…

ua libraries.jpg
A University of Arizona alumna and originally from central Mexico, Fernanda Echavarri talks about her experiences as a reporter, including feeling safer when reporting in Mexico because she understands the culture and blends in so well. Emphasizing…

Broadside published by the Military Headquarters in Sonora presenting the Cerro Gordo Plan, the Popular Liberationist Army’s political program

Fabrica de ropa y almacén de efectos del país. De la Torre Hermanos Desean a Ud. Felicidades en el presente año.

Pamphlet containing Mexican Youth Catholic Organization’s President Octavio Elizalde’s (1923-1929) address to the Los Angeles and San Diego Diocesan Council establishing the organization and actions of its U.S. chapters

Postcard from Epimenio (Tony) Pacheco to his daughter Marie, son-in-law Robert, and granddaughter, Carmella Scorcia Pacheco. The postcard discusses travels in Spain and was mailed from Salamanca, Spain to Farmington, New Mexico in 1982.

Portfolio contains six pages of images of cyanotype and gum dichromate, combined with watercolor, silver ink, and a prose poem. Edition: 1/1. 

Detail of Witt against Wisdom. Or, A panegyrick upon Folly : Penn'd in Latin by Desiderius Erasmus, render'd into English...

Detail of Colloquia
From the Heiko A. Oberman Library

Digital collection site created and managed by Espacio Migrante as part of the Reclaiming the Border Narrative project.

Salvador Esparza, editor in chief of the Periódico Norte, describes the violent crisis suffered by the city of Juarez in 2008-2012, comparing it with the current lower levels and with the alarming violence now suffered in the state of Tamaulipas. He…

This project aims to draw inspiration from the style of “Victory Gardens” propaganda of the 1940s, while commenting on the resilience of indigenous foods and the ability of plants to transcend national borders.

Handwritten document whereby Don Jose Maximiliano Fernandez and Don Jose Leandro Riveron sign themselves as witnesses that Don Lucan Francisco Febeun y Banfi is a resident of the City of Mexico and with the same document, they affirm that they have…

The first page of this document is a from the General Commissary in Mexico certifying that Maria del Pilar Zapata is entitled to the pension consisting of fifteen Pesos, four Reales, and five Granos, that she is due as the daughter of Captain D.…
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