La Morena
“La Morena” is a short film by Pita Juarez that highlights, Chicana Artist, Lucinda Hinojos, also known as La Morena. Lucinda is a single mom, a victim of domestic violence and an immigrants rights activist in Phoenix, AZ. This short film highlights one of her murals in downtown Phoenix, close to the state capital where thousands have marched in protest of anti-immigrant laws. The mural focuses on the separation of families, border fights and all the children put at risk through a xenophobic administration.
About the Artist
Pita Juarez is a filmmaker and journalist in Arizona. She is a queer immigrant woman from Guatemala, who works to uplift the story of marginalized people through effective and compelling storytelling.
Pita received critical acclaim as the director and producer of the award-winning documentary “You Racist, Sexist Bigot”. The documentary tackles the complex identity issues of race, sexuality, and feminism in a patriarchal world from the perspective of marginalized people who harness their power by telling their story and upending stereotypes.
Pita uses dynamic storytelling to uplift voices that often aren’t captured in mainstream media. She has challenged traditional and political communications in Arizona to include the untold stories of youth, people of color, and other communities whose voices aren’t heard. Pita’s artistry and insight has successfully built bridges with the people on the frontlines to capture authentic conversations, and shift the culture of storytelling.